When it comes to running a small business, the current climate — thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic — is simply unprecedented. Depending on your location and industry, many businesses are encouraged to halt nonessential functions for the sake of social distancing and stopping the spread of the virus.
At Responsival, we know the toll this can take and has taken on a number of businesses. And while the climate of this situation is guaranteed to continue to change, there are a number of things you can do now to maintain your digital presence and take proactive steps in keeping business running smoothly. That’s why we’re here to share 7 ideas for maintaining the digital side of your business during the COVID-19 pandemic. Check them out!
Update Your Google Business Listing
Keep Your Audience and Existing Customers Updated with Ease

There are a number of things that need to be done to ensure that your customers are fully informed about your business’s actions during the COVID-19 pandemic. One of your first steps, perhaps, involves updating your Google Business Listing. As the phonebook listing of the 21st century, your GBL is the first place many people look when attempting to contact your business. On your Google Business Listing, you can adjust your hours, share whether or not you are open or closed, and create posts that inform your audience about alternative options like delivery and takeout.
Update your Website and Banners
Make Your Website the Cornerstone of Your Digital Communications

If someone is thinking about utilizing your services or buying from your business — especially during the COVID-19 pandemic — they are extremely likely to explore your website first. On top of understanding your mission and services like usual, many people may be curious about your approach to minimizing the spread of the virus. That’s why your website should be updated to reflect your business’s approach to COVID-19. Whether you want to include a pop-up or banner to keep your audience informed, this proactive, straightforward approach will help increase transparency and inform your audience about your response to the outbreak.
Release a Statement About COVID-19
Provide Peace of Mind to Your Customers through Transparency

Many companies have already addressed their customers regarding their responses and actions regarding COVID-19. Chances are that you’ve already received a number of these statements via email. This is because it’s best to be upfront about your business’s approach to the virus, what your next steps are, and any changes you are making to react
Start by deciding on your business’s approach; are you closing for the foreseeable future, ramping-up cleanliness standards, providing an online discount code? From there, draft a statement for your customers — and, if applicable, the press — regarding your business’s stance an actions. Push this out to your email list and on social media in an effort to remain clear and communicative about your business’s response to the pandemic.
Add E-Commerce to Your Website
Shopify Lite Makes it Easy to Continue Selling Goods

It’s obvious that the world has been shifting into an online marketplace. However, many businesses that were not previously ready to sell products online are facing the reality that e-commerce may be the most viable option for the foreseeable future.
E-commerce websites are best for businesses that bring in at least 50% of their revenue online. However, Shopify Lite is a great option for businesses looking to make it possible to sell goods online quickly. After a one-time creation fee from Responsival, your business will pay $9 a month to Shopify for the ability to sell up to 40 different products on your existing website. This can be done quickly and is the perfect alternative to having people in your store.
Once this is done, the team at Responsival can help promote your e-commerce business on social media so that you can keep your business running.
Implement Online Ordering & Delivery
Maintain Social Distance with Takeout-Only Dining

It’s nearly impossible to completely stop the spread of a highly contagious disease — especially in a world that is heavily dependent on grocery stores, healthcare workers, and other essential services. Social distancing to the best of your ability is the best way to stop the spread of COVID-19 — an idea perfectly demonstrated by this article from the Washington Post — which means restaurants are encouraged to shift to takeout-only dining for the time being.
It’s easy to join as a delivery partner with delivery services like GrubHub, Doordash, or Postmates. However, the next hurdle comes in making sure your website and social media presence are properly promoting your business’s use of these delivery platforms. Responsival can help you promote your ability to deliver online to keep the sales coming in.
Share Worthy Alternatives on Social Media
Continue to Engage Your Audience Despite Social Distance

In the case where you decide to close your business to stop the spread of COVID-19, it’s important to continue engaging your audience on social media. Here are a few great ways to continue an active social media presence even when you’re not serving customers:
- The worthy alternative. Your customers may rely on you for a service or product that cannot fully be replaced while social distancing. To fill this void, consider sharing ‘worthy alternatives’ on social media. For instance, a gym may share a daily at-home workout video made by a personal trainer. A ramen restaurant may share ideas for sprucing-up store-bought ramen packages.
- Industry news. As a way to stay active on social media, feel free to share articles about your industry. This isn’t limited to your industry and the effects of COVID-19, but can be about growth or top-trends within your industry.
- Advanced training. People like to feel in-the-loop with their favorite businesses. If your business is implementing advanced training programs for employees while closed or practicing social distancing, this is great to share on social media. Whether you’re having employees taking an online training about food safety or learning more about new advancements in your industry, customers will love to see that your work doesn’t stop just because your business is closed.
Find a Way to Help
Help Your Community Struggling with COVID-19

When a pandemic strikes, banding together as a community is a key to making it through a difficult time. If your business provides a service or technology that could be beneficial to your community and you’re able to do so, consider reaching out to your community and providing assistance where it’s possible. Additionally, consider making a donation to financial relief funds in your town. Not only is this great to promote on social media — as a glimmer of hope during scary times — but this leaves a lasting impression of your company as a valuable asset to the community.
Need help implementing your digital response to COVID-19? Get in touch with the team at Responsival today to get started.