
5 Common Mistakes While Creating WordPress Sites

January 2024
 minute read
man browsing the internet and working with code

WordPress is an excellent framework for building your first website. However, many beginners tend to make common mistakes due to its low entry barrier. Avoid these beginner WordPress errors to prevent early frustration in your online journey. In this post, we'll explore some of the most frequent WordPress mistakes to avoid, ensuring that your site is both beautiful and functional, rather than appearing amateurish.

Opting for a Poorly Designed Theme

You'll encounter thousands of options when selecting the perfect theme for your website. Choosing the right theme can be challenging, especially if you find a beautiful theme from an unknown developer with few reviews.

Even if the theme looks appealing, it's advisable not to use it. For those opting for a free theme, select one from the WordPress-approved list of developers. However, opting for a premium theme is often the better choice. Although these themes may require an upfront payment, they offer dedicated support if issues arise and provide a range of enhanced features not available with free themes.

Ineffective Design Implementation

A poorly executed design makes a website appear unprofessional and hard to navigate. This results in a high bounce rate and fewer conversions of visitors into customers. To prevent this, collaborate with professional web designers. Be sure to clearly convey your preferences and share example websites that align with your vision. Consider the advice from professionals, as their expertise is crucial for creating an ideal design.

Select colors, fonts, and visual elements that represent your brand identity and resonate with your target audience. Ensure the design is consistent across all pages and sections, and avoid clutter that might overwhelm users. This article delves into ways to make a Transparent Header to improve your website design and make it look more professional.

Failing to Update the Default Login Credentials

When setting up WordPress, you can select your username and password.  Use a strong username and password to safeguard your site from hacking attempts. Avoid simple passwords like your pet’s name. Instead, opt for passwords combining characters, symbols, and uppercase and lowercase letters. Tools like Passwords Generator can help create robust and complex passwords.

Failing to Establish a Backup

Consistently backing up your website ensures peace of mind in case of unexpected issues. Situations can escalate quickly, so having a backup plan is crucial to protect your business from significant disruptions.

Accidentally deleting website files or facing a hack without a backup can be incredibly frustrating since you'd need to rebuild from scratch, which is quite a hassle. Consider a managed hosting provider that automatically backs up your site, or use plugins like WPvivid, UpdraftPlus, or BlogVault. These tools can preserve your sanity if your website data is lost or compromised.

Publishing a Partially Finished Page

Leaving incomplete pages on a website is a major mistake, especially for WordPress users. Newcomers often launch their sites prematurely, resulting in visitors clicking links that lead to "under construction" pages.

Links should never direct users to unfinished content, as this can deter visitors and give the impression that the site isn't being taken seriously. This is not the message you want to convey. Ensure your website is fully ready before going live.


WordPress has evolved from a capable platform to the most popular content management system on the internet, and for good reason. Spend some time exploring its features and learn how to maximize its benefits.


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